Thursday, May 6, 2010

what to read, what to read....

I hope after the semester is over I gain some free time to squeeze in some reading. I don't do it often, but I'd like to change that. I don't generally like typical novels though. I prefer reading magazines, books with lots of imagery or mangas. If I do find myself reading a traditional novel, it's generally one that I can either learn from or relate to.

So, currently, a large portion of the books I have interest in purchasing to read are design related. Though there are a couple that are not.

1. Sizes May Vary: A Workbook for Graphic Design
2. Photo Idea Index: Places
3. Women of Design
4. Complete Color Index
5. For Sale
6. FontBook
7. Kawaii Not: Cute Gone Bad
8. The Designer's Guide To Marketing And Pricing
9. Sustainable
10. Icons of Graphic Design
11. The Production Manual
12. Sonic: Visuals For Music
13. Print Liberation
14. All About Me
15. Student Cookbook: Healthy Eating
16. College Vegetarian Cooking
17. Caffeine For The Creative Mind

This is only a portion of the list. And realistically, I'll probably never read even 1/4 of these, but I still keep a list for the one day that maybe, just maybe, I'll have some extra money to spend.

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