Tuesday, May 4, 2010

inspiration and intrigue

Here we go!
This is going to be a combination of my progress through
Design 2 as well as Drawing 3.

3 artists I find incredibly inspirational are:

Brian Ewing (my idol)
Daniela Uhlig
Nadia Flower

I want to minor in Illustration (because it is difficult to find a school that offers it as a major, and I love Graphic Designing just a bit more), so naturally, each artist is an Illustrator. I find each inspirational for different reasons:
Brian, for his success with heavy weighted outlines that I always get critiqued for when they end up in my still life drawings. And for additionally finding such success with his art in the music industry, which ultimately is my dream after college.
Daniela, for mastering illustration of the human figure. Though it's often exaggerated, her skill is clearly evident. I also admire her technique and style.
And Nadia, for creating such feminine and yet powerful images. I believe it says a lot about her as a person and as an artist.

As I now search through the portfolios of the artists on the NY Drawing Center's website hoping to find something inspirational, I'm finding it difficult to find anything appealing to me...Though I have appreciation for the concept behind many of the pieces I have already viewed, I still have yet to find anything visually interesting...

I tend to be attracted to pieces that when you look at them you say "What...?" But that also reflect talent, skill and a thought process.

Bacon Roses
Monika Malewska

Barnum-Johnson I
Jeff Hoppa

Red Sussurus
Jeffery Beebe

Lil' Chef, Brighton, MI
Karla Wozniak

Birds of Paradise XVII: Great Horned Owl
Justin Gibbens

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